
128th Canton Fair Online

Time:2020-10-14 View:8323

128th Canton Fair OnlineTime: Oct. 15th, to 24th, 2020Link:https://ex.cantonfair.org.cn/pc/en/exhibitor/4ab00000-005f-5254-0b86-08d7ed779f71or searchExhibit: friction stay, friction hinge, ha…
127th Canton Fair Online

Time:2020-06-15 View:8554

Time: Jun. 15th, to 24th, 2020Link:https://ex.cantonfair.org.cn/pc/en/exhibitor/4ab00000-005f-5254-0b86-08d7ed779f71or searchExhibit: friction stay, friction hinge, handleExhibitor: AURICA…

Time:2018-03-16 View:7055


Time:2018-03-16 View:8030

Aluminium Doors and Windows and Glass Walls Industry Trend Analysis in Maturity Phase

Time:2017-07-12 View:6121

In the experts’ opinion, in the following few years, the industry will be in the stable phase, and the market will show eight features.Steady growthAlthough the government is surpressing the rea…
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